Odissey and Oracle

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Seen Nightmare on Elm Street countless times? Enjoy freaking your friends out with creepy stories? For you, the best part of Halloween is the really scary part, which is why you should be a zombie. And just like Halloween, you're dark and mysterious — or at least you'd like to think so.

You don't have to worry about setting a lot of time aside to make this costume just wear your oldest clothes, rip them up, and smear some dirt and fake blood on them. You'll look spooktacular — we promise!

2 opiniones :

gerund dijo...

jajaja... viste pesadilla? contás historias de terror??? jajajajajajjaa

acaso fue usted un zombie adolescente?


gerund dijo...

pd, se me olvidó ¡muy bien el título!

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