El Standley Chasm en las montañas Mac Donnell de Australia, 6m de ancho y 152m de profundo, es una grieta tan oscura que una persona parada al fondo de ella puede ver estrellas durante el día.
Hubo un problema en el Depto de Edición. Se agregó el título, el link con una sugerencia de gerund, y se ajustició a los responsables. Circulen, que aquí no ha pasado nada.
Con el link mucho no se entiende... El tema es que en ese link hay una respuesta de JayUtah que dice:
"FYI - At the Standley Chasm is Australia there is a 20ft wide 500 ft deep cleft where one, standing at the bottom, can see stars in the daytime.
No, that's a myth. Read Phil's book.
The solid angle occupied by the restricted field of view provides just as much light scattered by the atmosphere as the same solid angle seen from an unrestricted viewpoint. While your eyes may adapt to the darkness at the bottom of a chasm (provided you don't look up), as soon as you look up you will light-adapt to the sky -- which is just as bright in that solid angle as it ever was and will form the basis for auto-calibration.
There is no ophthalmological process that allows the human eye to see both atmospheric daylight scatter and stars along the same view angle. The stars contribute too little light to make a sensible difference."
5 opiniones :
y la información extra que siempre acompaña estos posts???
Hubo un problema en el Depto de Edición.
Se agregó el título, el link con una sugerencia de gerund, y se ajustició a los responsables.
Circulen, que aquí no ha pasado nada.
Con el link mucho no se entiende...
El tema es que en ese link hay una respuesta de JayUtah que dice:
"FYI - At the Standley Chasm is Australia there is a 20ft wide 500 ft deep cleft where one, standing at the bottom, can see stars in the daytime.
No, that's a myth. Read Phil's book.
The solid angle occupied by the restricted field of view provides just as much light scattered by the atmosphere as the same solid angle seen from an unrestricted viewpoint. While your eyes may adapt to the darkness at the bottom of a chasm (provided you don't look up), as soon as you look up you will light-adapt to the sky -- which is just as bright in that solid angle as it ever was and will form the basis for auto-calibration.
There is no ophthalmological process that allows the human eye to see both atmospheric daylight scatter and stars along the same view angle. The stars contribute too little light to make a sensible difference."
Muy interesante, sobretodo el comentario de doña Gerund, nuestra Mith Buster bloggeril ;)
pero..., don Subjo, haga bien las matemáticas, 20 pies son 6 metros, no 60
Pucha digo, se ve que no tenía un buen día...
Ahora voy, ahora voy...
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